Bicentennial Worship Service


Our table prepared for the season of Lent

First Presbyterian Church of Golconda, Illinois, has been welcoming seekers for over 200 years. Those who feel lost or feel something is missing; those who doubt the love of God or wonder if the fellowship of Jesus Christ has a place for them – all are welcome here.

Jesus was known for the company he kept. People complained because he shared his table with "notorious sinners," partied with tax collectors, befriended people of other ethnic groups, touched people everyone else called untouchable, and welcomed people with bad reputations. Every one of them found a home with Jesus.

That's what we are striving to create. We work really hard to create a safe, welcoming, inclusive atmosphere.

If you've got questions and doubts bring them with you—we have them too. It’ safe to talk about them here.

If you seek a life filled with love, meaning, and service, come on in. We listen for the voice of God and strive to follow the teachings of Jesus.